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8:00am on April 1st, 2024.



12:00pm (noon) on April 8th, 2024.


$695 for House League (including Learn To Play).

Registration is only available online through our website, which will direct you to the relatively new Hockey Canada registration system. All NEW players will need their Birth Registration Number located on their Birth Certificate in order to register. If you do not have a Birth Registration Number, you may use your Citizenship Number or Passport Number.

Payment of fees is processed immediately using your Visa or MasterCard. This is a fully secured service operated by Hockey Canada. We do not accept payment by any other method. You can start the process by proceeding to registration at the bottom of this page.

Please send all inquiries to

What You Need to Register

1. Birth Certificate: Please have a digital copy of your child’s birth certificate ready to upload as proof of age.

2. Proof of Address: Please have an official statement like a utility bill to upload as proof of address.

3. Respect In Sport Parent Program (‘RSPP’): Hockey Canada requires that at least one parent or guardian must complete the online Respect In Sport Parent Program before a child can be registered to play hockey. The course only needs to be taken ONCE and the cost is $12.00 + HST. Click HERE to take the course. If at least one parent of a player has previously completed the Respect In Sport program it does not have to be repeated.


Note: You will be required to enter your RSPP certificate number in your registration

application and you will be unable to complete registration without having first

completed the RSPP for Parents/Guardians.


By registering in our House League program, eligible players are also able to try-out for our CDS and Select program. If you are interested in trying out for CDS, please email our CDS Manager at for more info, or check out the Tryout Schedule page in our website. If you are interested in trying out for Select, please look at our Players Wanted page to see available spots or email

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Birth Year
Anticipated Ice Time
2007, 2008 & 2009
Sundays - 2pm - 5pm
2010 & 2011
Saturdays - 4-5, Sundays - 12 - 2
2012 & 2013
Saturdays - 1pm to 4pm
2014 & 2015
Sundays - 10am to 12pm
Saturdays - 7am to 9am
Saturdays - 9am to 11am
Saturdays - 11am to 1pm
Learn to Play
2019 & 2020
Sundays - 9am to 10am

2024-2025 Divisions & Approximate Ice Times

NOTE: These times are tentative and may be changed to accommodate actual registration numbers in each division.

All divisions might have limited additional games on the other weekend days from their normal Saturday or Sunday timeslots.

Register Early!


Our enrollment is strictly limited by the amount of ice time available at the Larry Grossman Forest Hill Memorial Arena. In order to avoid disappointment, please apply early!

Do not register if you are trying out for an FHHA GTHL “A” or “AA” team. If you get put on a GTHL roster, you will not be allowed to participate in our House League program. If you do not make a GTHL team, then immediately register for House League and, if accepted, you will also be eligible to try out for a Select/CDS team. Any questions concerning the GTHL or Select teams may be sent to or

Acceptance Priorities

Returning Players: Returning FHHA players (subject to prior year attendance record) will have their places protected until 12:00pm (noon) on April 8, 2024, the Priority Application Acceptance Deadline. We cannot guarantee a place, even to returning players, whose applications are received after that date. It is your responsibility to get your application in on time.

New Applicants: New applications received on or before 12:00pm (noon) on April 8, 2024, will be accepted based upon availability with first priority being given to the siblings of returning players. After allowing for returning players and their siblings, if there are more eligible new applicants than places, spots will be allocated on the basis of a lottery conducted by the Registrar at the Association’s acceptance meeting.

Applications received after 12:00pm (noon) on April 8, 2024, will be accepted on a first come, first served basis until all spaces are filled. In the event of surplus applications, waiting lists will be maintained for each division.

Cost and Fee Assistance

The cost for House League and Learn To Play is $695. There is an additional fee payable for Select/CDS hockey that is paid after the team has been selected. A letter detailing the fees and the program will be handed out at the beginning of the season to those chosen during tryouts.

Refund Policies


Players who withdraw from House League and move to an FHHA GTHL team will be given a full refund.

LTP - U9

Registered players who withdraw before August 15, 2024, will receive a full refund, less a $100 administration fee. For those who tryout for a Select/CDS team during Fall tryouts and don't make the team, they will receive a refund less $200 if they move to another organization, as long as they notify us in writing within 48 hours of not making our Select/CDS team at No refunds will be given after August 15, 2024, including players going to another house league organization who do not tryout for our Select/CDS teams.

U10 - U18

Registered players who withdraw before August 15, 2024 will receive a full refund, less a $100 administration fee. No refunds will be given after August 15, 2024, including players going to another house league organization.

Safety and Uniforms

Safety concerns are paramount in hockey. It is mandatory that protective equipment be worn at all times. No player will be allowed on the ice or on the bench without full C.S.A. approved equipment, including a certified neck guard and a helmet with a full facemask. All players will receive a team sweater and matching socks.

Equalization Trades

In order to promote participation and fun we try to ensure that the House League teams are as even as possible. Accordingly we reserve the right to trade players between teams, in a manner designed to achieve a competitive balance. We try to conclude trades before the December break. We realize that most players do not wish to be traded, but please cooperate with the conveners when trades are made. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT ALL PLAYERS, WITH THE POSSIBLE EXCEPTION OF THE SPONSOR’S CHILD MAY BE TRADED. THIS INCLUDES THE CHILDREN OF COACHES AND CONVENERS.


For the 2024-2025 season, where numbers justify and ice time and coaching is available, we plan to enter a Select team in the North York Hockey League or CDS for every birth year from U7 thru U18. In certain instances, we will offer 2 teams in age groups with enough interest. The North York Hockey League is open to teams from House League associations in the Greater Toronto area and operates under the umbrella of the GTHL. The CDS program is a community based group in younger divisions made up of other local House League associations offering a program similar to Select which follows all of Hockey Canada’s development guidelines.
Select/CDS Tryouts will start May 2024 and continue in September/October 2024, depending on your player's birth year, following our GTHL “AA” and “A” tryouts. An email with tryout information will be sent to all players who indicated during the registration process that they are interested in trying out for Select/CDS hockey. Please check the FHHA website at for more Select/CDS tryout information.
Only those players who have registered with FHHA for House League prior to the first tryout date, and have received official confirmation of acceptance from the Registrar will be allowed to try out for a Select/CDS team. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE ICE UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO HOUSE LEAGUE - NO EXCEPTIONS!

Team Requests

We occasionally receive requests for a player to be placed on the same team as another player. Such requests often make it difficult to balance the teams initially or to make appropriate trades. Carpool considerations will apply only to registrants who must travel great distances to reach the arena. Requests are generally granted only for siblings or exceptional circumstances.


As we sometimes have fewer goalies than teams, it is now a condition of registration that players chosen as Select/CDS goalies must play goal for their assigned team in House League, if needed, in order to maintain their position as goalie on their Select/CDS Team. If there still are fewer goalies than teams in a division then all goalies in that division will be required to commit to play for any teams without a goalie on a rotational basis. These decisions are solely the Conveners to make and a schedule will be made for each goalie to follow for the season. The goalies in that division will meet with the Conveners prior to the season to arrange the schedule.
Sometimes we have the opposite situation and have more goalies than teams, with the result that some goalies must share the workload. Prospective goalies must be prepared to share goaltending duties. If numbers permit sharing goalies may at the option of the league be permitted to play out during their “off weeks”. “Sharing” goalies who choose not to play out during off weeks do not receive a reduction of fees.
Note: Goalies at the U11 level and above are expected to provide their own equipment. Goalie equipment will be provided for U7, U8 and U9 divisions.


We realize that kids sometimes miss House League games due to illness, injury or other “exceptional” circumstances. However, missing games for other reasons is against our attendance policy as stated below and is unacceptable. Everyone has a specific reason why attending the house league games are difficult, but it makes it particularly hard for the conveners to balance the teams and for the coaches to run their teams when attendance is sporadic. Players must notify both their coaches and the division conveners by email prior to being absent stating the reasons for their absence.
Players who miss more than three games owing to conflicting commitments (e.g. other sports or activities) or without proper notice as detailed above, may risk suspension without refund. Such players may also be denied re-registration for the following season so that more dedicated players will get the opportunity to play.
Select/CDS players must play in House League games in order to be eligible to play in Select/CDS games. Select/CDS players who neglect their commitment to House League will not be allowed to play in Select/CDS games.

Pre-Season Hockey Skills

A skills program for U7-U11, subject to availability, will be offered, starting in September at an additional cost. An email fully explaining the program and application form will be sent out by separate mailing during the summer.

Select/CDS Hockey

The purpose of our Select/CDS program is to provide an additional opportunity for our more skilled and enthusiastic players to play hockey in a more challenging and competitive setting. As with our House League, the goal of the Select/CDS program is to foster good sportsmanship, the development of positive social skills, team play and hockey skills. For more information visit our Select or CDS pages.

Parental Supervision

Parents are advised that at each game, in case of emergency, there must be an adult responsible for your child other than the coach. Failure to adhere to this policy jeopardizes your child’s continued participation in our league.

Holiday Policy

The policy of the League continues to be that no games or practices will be scheduled on most statutory holidays. The League reserves the right, however, to schedule games or other events on all other days. Pleased be advised that we do schedule games during the various weeks of March/Spring/Passover break, as well as during some religious holidays.


The league could not exist without the support of its volunteers. We are extremely grateful for the help we get in support of your kids. If you would like to volunteer in some capacity, please indicate so on your child’s registration. We have incentives for volunteers and are always looking for coaches and conveners.
The Greater Toronto Hockey League (the “GTHL”) has made it mandatory for all House League, Select/CDS and GTHL level coaches, assistant coaches, trainers and managers to have a police criminal record check. All team officials must submit an application for a criminal record check with the police service responsible for the jurisdiction in which they reside and provide a copy of the results to the FHHA before the season starts.

Mandatory Completion of the Respect in Sport and Rowan’s Law Program for Parents

Hockey Canada, the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) and the Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL) have mandated that all families of registered players in House League, Select/CDS and the GTHL must complete the Respect in Sport Program before the season begins. If at least one parent of a player has previously completed the Respect In Sport program it does not have to be repeated.

You will be required to enter your certificate number in your registration application and you will be unable to complete registration without having first completed the Respect In Sport Program for Parents.

Prior to the start of the season, at least one parent/guardian of every minor hockey player in Ontario will need to complete Hockey Canada's online Respect in Sport For Parents course prior to a player being permitted to participate in any Hockey Canada program. This requirement applies to all levels of hockey at Forest Hill including House League, Select/CDS and Competitive (GTHL).

The Respect in Sport (RIS) Parent Program complements the Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program that is already mandatory for all team officials registered in Ontario minor hockey associations. The RIS Parent Program helps define a model of behaviour for all parents and creates a more rewarding, safe and respectful environment for everyone involved.

The course costs $12 plus tax, only has to be taken once and is valid for life. FHHA will be able to track compliance with this new requirement through the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) since each player's profile is updated when the parent completes the RIS course.

To read more about program on the GTHL web site, click here:

To go directly to the registration page (you will need to know your Hockey Canada Registry [HCR] login info) click here:

If your child is playing for a Forest Hill GTHL team (“A” or “AA”), please check off “GTHL” in the drop down box when adding your child to your profile. If your child is playing for a Forest Hill House League team, please check off “HL - Forest Hill” in the drop down box when adding your child to your profile. For this, you can disregard the fact your child might also be playing Select/CDS.

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Registration Information

The Forest Hill Hockey Association (FHHA) is a non-profit corporation that provides an opportunity for children aged 4 to 18 to play House League, Select/CDS and GTHL level ‘A’ and ‘AA’ hockey in their local community. Once again for the 2024-2025 season we will be offering a complete hockey program every weekend from mid-October 2024 to mid-April 2025, excluding the December school break and Family Weekend.

Remember: To play CDS or Select, you must first register for House League

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